Thursday, December 28, 2006

Billy move basketball?

In an article by the always interesting Malcolm Gladwell (author of the tipping point and Blink), he writes about a book which goes through analyzing basketball players much in the way that Moneyball analyzed baseball players. The conclusions are as obvious as what you would expect from statistical analysis which is number of points is not the only thing. This is the article. I will be interested to read the book. It seems to me though that there better be something more substantive than just efficiency. It is one thing to score 30 points on 15 shots vs. scoring 30 points on 60 shots....but it is hardly the same thing to say a guy who puts up 10 points on 10 shots is more valuable than a guy who puts up 30 points on 40 shots. You always need someone who can deliver even if it is in a less efficient could construct a whole team of efficient guys. Jordan should hire beane for the bobcats!


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