Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Vaughn and Psycho - does that make sense?

What happened to the middle of Vince Vaughn’s career?

Vegas baby! Vegas!...coined by Vince Vaughn. His Trent in Swingers, his coup de grace, arc de triumph, a personal masterpiece. 26 yrs old and the master of his craft…but that was 1996 and since what happened to Vaughn? He led in roles in Clay Pigeons and the Psyco remake…why? That is not Vince Vaughn. It is not until 2003, 7 yrs later, that we see Vaughn’s masterpiece “Trent” come back. Thankfully he comes back in a movie that saves comedy…Old School. Dodgeball then slips into the mix, but he rescues himself with the record breaking Wedding Crashers. Vaughn clearly and finally at this point recognizes where his bread is buttered. He produces The Break-up which is a reprisal of the “Trent” character, but while a mild success at the box office, the plot line is weak…Does Vaughn have another comedic classic in him…or are we destined to see Clay Pigeons return? Thankfully his upcoming line up is Old School 2 and Joe Claus…fitting to the saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”


At 2:17 PM, Blogger Chimpanzee Rage said...

Don't sleep on "Made" now? If you haven't watched "Made", you should do so. He takes the "trent" character to the extreme there. I was so annoyed with him I actually had to watch the movie a 2nd time to realize I was supposed to hate him...thus making his performance brilliant! Its highly underrated.

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Xavier Alexander said...

I'll have to check it out.


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