Saturday, November 04, 2006

Free throws - They're FREE!

I am not in the NBA so it is hard to preach, that said FREE THROWS! This is the only time in basketball where you can take your time, there is no defense, and you get to score points. In tennis the closest equivalent is the serve where you can go at your own pace and hit the ball how you like...however in tennis you not only just have to get it in, you still have to hit a good shot such that your opponent will have difficulty returning. On the free throw line you just have to get it in the basket.

The Spurs lost against the Cavs yesterday. And Pop agrees with me.

An excerpt from an AP article after the game.

The Spurs, one of the most dominant homecourt teams in the NBA, slashed a 13-point deficit in the fourth down to four and might have won if not for a dismal 18-of-34 effort shooting free throws.

"I wish I had a nickel for every time somebody asked me if free throws are a concern," Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said. They have "always been an Achilles' heel."

I say, Put it in the Contract. Let the money do the work. Or Don't let a player leave practice until he makes 8 out of 10 free throws. No excuses.


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