Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Fed-up, Fed-ex, Oops!

So as we've all been closely watching and just waiting for when, Britney Spears divorces Kevin Federline. I chose to spend my waking hours thinking of snappy headlines that would show up today...the one I came up with is "Britney gets K-Fed Up!" Pretty snappy I think. As I see my headline was pretty close to making the front cover of the USA today. Another one I just thought of as another twist on my original..."You can't spell Fed-up without 'K'!"

But in google news search, I see that there were a couple of other journalists with some snappy headlines of their own. I thought Fed-ex was a nice touch. The clear winner in terms of frequency in number of news titles was the Ooops I did it again. I like the thoughtfulness of that one because it ties in the fact that Britney has been divorced twice now. Below is a sampling of some of the unique headlines:

Britney 'K-Fed' up, files for divorce (USA Today cover)
Brit Poised For Comeback; K-Fed Now Fed-Ex
Oops, she did it again - Britney files for divorce from Kevin
Divorce me baby one more time: Britney Spears's marriage over
Britney Spears dumps 'toxic' hubby K-Fed, files for divorce
Britney Spears divorcing former 'Chaotic' co-star Kevin Federline


At 1:27 PM, Blogger Chimpanzee Rage said...

Ol' FedEX is gonna be in DC tonight having a release party for his new album that just "dropped". Word. Lucky for him, its free...with drink specials...and a fashion show. So people will probably show up for, probably.

At 8:27 AM, Blogger nycebo said...

Idiots. The world is full of idiots. Her next album will go platinum. How do i know? I don't know, maybe the fact that Paris Hilton has lasted longer than the old proverbial 15 minutes of fame would have generally awarded. The world is full of idiots.


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